Advantages of working alone / disadvantages of being in a group:
- Don't need to rely on others - when working alone I will be able to carry out all necessary tasks when and how I wish.
- Knowledge - I will always know what is going on as there is no one else who may have organised or changed something.
- Creativity - my ideas and thoughts will not be neglected by others who may disagree with them for one reason or another.
- Control - I will be able to have complete control over my work.
- No distractions - when in a group sometimes members became distracted as well as agitated by each other when there was a disagreement within the group.
Disadvantages of working alone / Advantages of being in a group:
- No one to check your work with if unsure - to ask if an edit or shot is okay. When alone I will not have another opinion or set of hands there to help.
- Heavy workload - undergoing a task may prove to be too much/ a lot of work which may become stressful perhaps causing my work to not reach its full potential. Having others in a group spreads out the workload making it less time consuming and stressful.
- Bounce off each others ideas/collaborative - when in a team others ideas and thoughts can be valuable, therefore working in a group can help produce a more varied piece of work instead of simple one person's work and ideas.
Interesting. SG