Sunday, 28 October 2012

Organising Filming - Risk Assessment

Identify possible hazards

1) Cars driving in/out of the Church area

2) Redhead lights (planning on being raised rather high behind the musicians) may fall and smash potentially hitting someone.

3) Extension Cable on the ground, people could trip.

4) If it rains equipment could be damaged during transportation.

5) Redhead lights can over-heat and are therefore are a fire hazard.

Who might be harmed

Actors/musicians, crew (me), the Church/objects within the Church and the musician's/ school's equipment.

How to prevent these accidents from occurring when filming

1) To prevent a large rush of cars puling up by the Church all at once I have asked people to come within 5 minute intervals of each other by giving them slightly different arrival times. In addition, to anyone who does not need to carry a large amount of equipment from their car has been asked to park in kemp place - a car park that is a five minute away.

2) Increase the span of the tripod structure at the bottom to give it stability. Bring duct tape incase the legs need to be taped to the floor for extra stability.

3) Ask the Rector for nearest plug socket so the extension cable does not need to be unraveled over too much of the Church floor. If necessary apply some of the duct tape to the extension cable on the ground to prevent it from being tripped on. Attempt to keep all cables behind the musicians as I will be mostly moving around the front of the band while they will not be moving too much.

4) Check weather forecast, if necessary: place packed equipment in black bin bags, ask people to park right outside the Church to minimise the amount of time equipment is not under a roof

5) I shall be responsible for turning the red heads off when they are not in use.

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